Badly Drawn Comics #2, 5 & 6

Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Badly Drawn Comics #2, 5 & 6 Creator(s): Martha Keavney
Publishers: Badly-Drawn Comics
From: USA
Price: $1.95-$2.95 (US)

The title of this book really pulls the rug out from under your friendly reviewer. Anything I say about the art becomes redundant really, and as the title is kind of accurate I can't event take issue with it, thought I must say that I've seen much worse in my time.

Where Martha excels is in the imagination stakes. The stories in theses issues cover a wide range of topics, from post-modern self-referential examinations of the comic book medium to a cat's eye view of life with Martha. Issue #6 sees the production vales of the title enhanced with a move to glossy colour cover and better reproduction on the b/w interiors.

These books are a cleaver read, full of amusing jokes and subtle humour and no matter what Martha say, the art work is great with its direct approach to story telling. These books are filled with personality and are well worth tracking down. Check out Martha's website for samples and ordering details for the latest issue and the full back catalogue.

In a Word: Charismatic .

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