She Said

Posted: Wednesday, January 2, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of She Said Creator(s): Patrick J Lee
Publishers: Airik Lee Productions (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: $1 (US)

Autobiography as theory is the subtitle on the cover, and it gives a good indication of the style of this book. Patrick presents five monologues from a group of women, each expressing something of their hopes or fears. There's the dreaded We can be friends shoot-down delivered in an flashback inducing manner (Is there a Microcrap Word template for these?). Natalie recalls the way she has lead here life and wonders if her approach is fatally flawed.

Patrick succeeds in keeping things simple. The dialogue doesn't seem strained or overwrought, but remains firmly fixed in a believable tone that still allows for subtleties and depth of characters to be portrayed.

The five monologues are framed by a rather crass Casting Couch device which almost undermines all the solid work he does in the middle. It's a cheap and rather tacky story that grates with the thoughtful tone of the monologues and should really have been left out. As for the art department, his characters are differentiated quite well though some of the work on the faces needed a tidy-up.

In a Word: Revealing.

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