Dorkboy 6.1

Posted: Tuesday, October 29, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Dorkboy 6.1 Creator(s): Damian Willcox
Publishers: Dorkboy Comics (Self Published)
From: Canada
Price: $2:50 (Ca)

In which our hero goes to visit some family in China and has to do battle with evil villains, avoid flying duck and try to think about what's in the food. The story came out of a series of trips that Damian made a few years ago and weaves his observations with film cliches.

Dorkboy's naive enthusiasm for things makes for a lots of laughs as he comes to terms with a different culture. Language problems, strange food and pad puns (Poultry-geist) abound. While the comic comes very close to being a bit too clever at times, Damian keeps things just funny enough so we laugh along with him.

The pictures do very good service to Damian's writing, providing several really impressive illustrations such as the great dragon on the cover and an attractive street scene on page 3. The characters are drawn in a pleasant cartoon style thought they still have their own individual features.

If you are looking for great visuals and light humor this book is well worth your consideration.

In a Word: Jocular.

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