Suspension of Disbelief

Posted: Wednesday, November 27, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Suspension of Disbelief Creator(s): Paul Quinn
Publishers: Lightningstrike Publishing
From: Canada
Price: $5.00 (Ca)

It wouldn't be to far off the mark to describe this book as an un-romance comic, because for the most part it gives us a lot of reasons to decide that both men and women are cruel, un-caring creeps that are just not the sort of people you want to get attached to. That seems to be the lesson that the two main characters are learning, what with Davis just having found his girlfriend and best friend in bed together, and Alison getting stood up by her boyfriend on the opening night of her art exhibition. These two meet up in the mall, get to talking and hanging out with each other.

For the most part this is a conversational comic as the two main characters talk about themselves and their relationships. I found the dialogue worked well at getting the story across. While some of David's language seems a bit crude for mixed company, he's a nice guy with a good line in compliments. Alison is amusing, if somewhat standoffish.

For those who want to see more than just talking heads there is some nice bits about the local comic shop, which also happens to be the local diner. Food and comics in the same place, convenient but surly prone to messy shop worn stock? There's some very funny exchanges between the other comic fanboys, shop works and our heros.

After finding the opening a bit wordy I really settled into this comic. It's a charming intelligently told, with artwork that never falters in its presentation of a couple of real people having to deal with the real world. The only serious flaw that I could find with this book was that it is a one shot. I want to see what happens next with these two characters!

In a Word: Engaging.

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