Billy: Demon Slayer #2

Posted: Tuesday, January 7, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Billy: Demon Slayer #2 Creator(s): Hayden Frayer
Publishers: Siberian Productions (Self Published)
From: Australia
Price: $2.50 (AU)

When Billy decides to track down and kill his evil father (who just happens to be a demon) he doesn't let anything or anyone stand in his way. Other demons, bouncers and even hoards of lost souls feel the wraith of his two chain saws. He soon has to face a more subtle challenge in the form of the Vodka martini...

Hayden keeps his illustrations straight forward with simple backgrounds and animated but basic character designs. He attempts to use a pallet of different greys but this doesn't work that well as the reproduction turns most of them into murky messes. The dialogue jumps around a bit so that I had to keep re-reading panels to catch the flow of the plot.

Physical humour occurs quite a bit in this book, with the characters interacting with drunken stumbling, violent reactions to jokes and demons fainting at the sight of the main man Billy. The mix of violence and humour works very well, so while the body count of the demons and other evil doers is high, more than just the body count sticks in your mind at the end. With the number of characters running around things could get complicated, so we might expect more of a payoff story wise for our efforts.

In a Word: Sharp.

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