Mr Ripper's Multiplex #2

Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Mr Ripper's Multiplex #2 Creator(s): Richard Nairn
Publishers: Pantomime Press (Self Published)
Price: £2:50

The villagers cower in fear as creatures of the nigh prowl the dark deserted streets. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door of the inn. They foolishly open it and discover Dr Jefferson: a young man with a horrific tale to tell about a little girl who is a monster, and the trail of death and mayhem she has wrought at the multiplex.

With the scale of horrific goings on here it's a welcome relief that humour is the name of the game. The jocular nature of the death scenes and characters reactions to what they witness keeps you from realising how nasty these creatures are. It also means the reader doesn't quite notice that their isn't actually much going on in this book that you haven't seen in the last few sequels to what ever horror film franchise is your favourite.

It's a very good thing that the artwork is of such a high quality it makes looking at the terror that much easier. The characters overflow with blood and gleeful evil. There are scared people and just plain creepy types on display, all working to make the punch lines sparkle. This is a tough task, as most of them seem to involve people thinking nasty thoughts about sheep or pooing their pants.

The story here goes on a bit too long for it's own good; when a couple of death scenes would give us the idea, we get nearly half a dozen. The trick is that both good horror and good humour should be short and sharp.

In a Word: Stretched.

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