Riverwürst Comics #4

Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2004
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Riverwürst Comics #4 Creator(s): Tea Krulos
Publishers: Fly by Night Publications/Riverwürst Comics (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: $4 (US) ppd

A big fat juicy anthology crammed full with a variety of storytelling style, dripping with a refreshing mix of humour, pathos and and stuff that our team of comic scientists haven't been able to identify yet.

The stories in this collection are, for the most part, quite short- one or two pages is the norm, with only a few going much longer. This makes reading it quite a disjointed experience. There isn't any common thread or themes that I could find so here's some things that caught my eye:

Slumber Party by Jessica Zierten
Short and funny story about a group of young girls watching some videos on a giant VCR back in the late seventies/or early eighties. Xanadu hehehe. Nice shock at the end as well.

Dreadful days by Dan Hernandez
Collection of short strips that are beautifully illustrated in an alt.-cartoon style. It is very eye-catching. @ strips are funny, 2 are wistful, 1 is drunk and the last one is just plain weird.

Robert Deans by Heather Shinn
A spooky tale about a little girl who ants a robot of here own. Her mother fobs her off so she goes looking for the parts required to make her own. The story is nicely told and the illustrations are wonderfully detailed and creepy.

Rex Glamour by Dennis Kitchen
Hard boiled detective with a nice line in funny dialogue and an unfortunate tendency to get horrible injured. Genuinely funny strips and illustrated in a goofy style. (yes, it is that Dennis Kitchen).

This collection is a great sampler of material with contact details so the interested reader can tack down more of what takes their fancy. Hit and miss of course, but variety makes for adventurous reading.

In a Word: Potpourri.

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