Sins of the Past #2

Posted: Tuesday, July 27, 2004
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Sins of the Past #2 Writer(s): Jay Bonney
Artist(s): George Bailey
Publishers: 430 Comics (Self Published)
From: England
Price: £1

>Ethan Page is a priest with a dark past. He's a wanted man back home, and it's home he has to go after his father dies. Seems the family ranch is in a sorry state. His strong headed sister doesn't want to the sell, his younger brother thinks he's a man already, and the local cattle baron has started making veiled threats and offers on the farm. Events take a cliched but satisfying path in this issue as Ethan tracks down an older friend who might be able to help, and his sister takes the fight to the cattle barons dinner party.

The action is hard to follow in places, as the black/gray/white art doesn't emphasise the characters enough in the overall page layouts. The copying was also a bit patchy in my copy. The style that Jay uses is quite.... spikey, with a manga influenced character designs. They have a youthful look that tends to undercuts the threat of the situations. I also suspect the sleeveless dress that Paige wears to the party displays a bit more cleavage than would be appropriate in the 18-somethings of the wild west.

The pacing of the story is well executed, breaking the story up introduction the various characters over the two issues so far. This gives some weight to the story, and has allowed for some interesting character dynamics. Ethan is still too clean cut, but luckily his old buddy looks to be a charming rogue. Add in a sister who is strong willed and fiery, and this promises to take some interesting turns

This is an entertaining piece of western action that offers a sold story, but needs some tidying up in the artwork.

In a Word: Aimed.

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