Black Light Comics #4

Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2000
By: Darren

Cover of Black Light Comics #4 Creator(s): Graber Hill with contributions by Ross Tesoriero, Mandy Ord and Gerard Asworth
Publishers: Self Published
From: Australia
Price: ?

A goth band made up of vampires experience a concentrated dose of their usual diet of tragedy when the roadies drive a truck load of equipment through a crash barrier and over a cliff. Graber has a very dramatic drawing style reminiscent of the Batman Adventures cartoon style. The effect of this in a bold black and white finish is very eye catching, with some interesting use being made of open space on the page and very striking full page images.

The writing is a mix of slapstick humour and vampire angst that works well, though not having read any of the previous issues I was a bit lost as to the relationships between the characters.

This issue included some interesting biographies for a group of other Australian small press creators and a couple of short works by guest artists. Gerard Ashworth's contribution, "The Unrepentant Necrophiliac" is an interesting combination of his own drawing with samples of 50's horror comic images, which he uses to illustrate an interview with a young woman who is attracted to dead bodies. This story is more direct than his usual work but still inspired.

In a Word: Bonza.

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