Ancient Geeks, the

Posted: Sunday, February 20, 2000
By: Darren

Cover of Ancient Geeks, the Creator(s): Debra Boyask
Publishers: Teacake's Comics
From: Kingdom
Price: ?

This is the second collection from the pen of Debra, and it presents an entertaining mix of bad puns, surreal humour and some autobiographical works. Inspired by English childrens' comics such as Oink and Whizzer & Chips her art style is simple and direct and the humour is playfully esoteric.

Include in this collection are the adventures of Spunky, Punky and Monkey. These three flat together and spend their time having tea and cakes while trying to survive bad hare days and sneak attacks via the toilet by a sinister snake.

Debra also includes for us some musings on the lifestyles of the geeky and elfish, documents the year she spent living in Hamilton as well as a guest appearance by this reviewer. Her comic is sure to tickle your funny bone, though hard core geeks who don't get out enough are warned that they might be offended by some of the contents.

In a Word: Comicy.

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