Stockboy #1 & #2

Posted: Tuesday, April 4, 2000
By: Darren

Cover of Stockboy #1 & #2 Creator(s): Todd Webb
Publishers: Cornerstone comics (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: ?

These cute little mini comics have a really appealing look to them, great examples of clean and simple design work. Interestingly, Todd uses white paper for only the covers, then colored paper for the interiors. The artwork is a clear and simple 3D style displaying some very nice page layout.

Plot wise, we have an autobiographical look at Stockboy's first job at the Shop and Save supermarket. He is 16 years old so work is a novel experience and pretty girls who talk to him make him loose the power of speech. It's an amusing tale though a bit slow in places. Nothing too exciting is going on, but it is proficiently done, so it's worth a look.

In a Word: Cheerful.

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