Mike Dawson's Lil' Book Of Previews.

Posted: Wednesday, April 12, 2000
By: Darren

Cover of Mike Dawson's Lil' Book Of Previews. Creator(s): Mike Dawson
Publishers: Self Published
From: USA

Mike is working on a couple of comics at the moment and has put out this little sampler to let people see what is coming up. Boy Scout Story focuses on boys playing with themselves and other boys. Todd's Secret shows three friends having a chat. One is a loud redneck and the other two are getting tired of it.

As with any preview it is hard to get much of and idea about where the stories are going, but the artwork is nicely detailed; Boy Scout Story has some almost hallucinatory images in it that make the narrative hard to follow in places. When someone falls into a camp fire, seems to roast their for a couple of frames then is walking around without seeming to react to the earlier images it makes one go huh?

In a Word: Incomplete.

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