Assassin and the Whiner #11, the

Posted: Tuesday, February 27, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Assassin and the Whiner #11, the Creator(s): Carrie McNinch
Publishers: Self Published
From: USA

This is a confidently presented collection of autobiographical strips in which Carrie muses on the varied facets of her life. Topics covered include porn stars, winter clothing and the end of a relationship.

Carrie draws with very bold blacks with thick line work that is very attractive to the eye. This style also balances the large amount of text that accompanies each panel.

The strongest theme here is love lost. Carrie gives us a concise look at how the break up of a relationship has affected her; with the loneliness of suddenly realizing that she is alone and having to accept that the other person has moved on. One especially effective piece in a one panel page showing the view of a city as seen from the window of a plane. A strong sense of moving on and isolation are contained in that image, and the text that is scattered over the landscape gives a context to those emotions without labouring the point.

In a Word: Feelings.

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