Successors, the #2

Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Successors, the #2 Writer(s): Russ Kazmierczak Jr
Artist(s): Brent Otey
Publishers: K.O. Comics. (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: $3.00 (US)

This series has as its foundation a wonderfully tragic image - one day all the Superheroes fell to earth. There's no explanation in this issue of the reasons behind this event, but the simple power of that Brent's images add to the words "All the guys dressed in funny suits hit the ground dying" ups the stakes in a story which already had its fair share of intrigue.

Russ cleverly constructs a narrative out of the flash backs and diary entries of Psycho Chick, a teenage girl who finds herself the possessor of superpowers at the same time that she realizes that her emotions are being toyed with. Brandon, an American football playing jock at her school fools around with the girls with no care for their feelings, She did so much for him and thought he loved her, but she was just another conquest to brag about in the lockers.

Brent illustrates this complex narrative with a sure hand, his characters retain their individual character through a range of poses and costume changes. The grey tone coloring is used to good effect but is marred by a screening effect that is too course for my liking and almost detracts from Brent's attractive drawing style.

The short backup story is an enigmatic build up for the story that looks to be continues in later issues, though the illustration suffers in comparison to Brent's more polished work in the main comic. In between I almost overlooked a short and sharp satire on public health messages in comic form. It's a real laugh inducer. In all this issue has lots to recommend it, including a kick ass colour cover. It all comes together to produce a worthwhile read and makes the following issues a much anticipated treat.

In a Word: Breathtaking.

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