Broom, Maureen

Editor of the New Zealand TV Weekly (1966-1969), she started work in broadcasting at 4ZB, meeting her future husband at the South African Broadcasting Corporation. She also worked in US and while there she was a freelancer for NZ women magazines. Returning to Dunedin she began at the Otago Daily Times, when DNTV2 began broadcasting she became the TV columnist Ariel. From there the NZTVW came into being. After the weekly, she worked in several jobs, eventually being asked to set up the copy department at Radio Otago when it began. From there she went and finally retired as the head of copy back at 4ZB.

Her daughter, who was the weekly Junior reviewer, went on to also have a career in journalism, working first as a feature writer for the ODT before moving as a freelance writer in public relations in Wellington.

Source: Her son Adam Broom.

New Zealand TV Weekly (1966-1969)