King, Sonia
SONIA KING (AKTVZ) the youngest of a family of four, was born at Benmore, and educated in Invercargill, 40 miles away. Much of her childhood was spent in Southland’s Hokonui Hills, on a sheep farm. An interest in art and music led to serious study in Dunedin, but itching feet took her further afield. In 1950 she made a six-month hitchhiking tour of New Zealand, followed by two Years in Britain and on the Continent. On her return to New Zealand she became Women's Page Editor and Children's Editor on the Southland Times. In 1954 she enrolled as a student of the University Conservatorium of Music, Melbourne, but the hours she was expected to spend practising soon put her off a musical career. Sonia's next venture was in the field of hand-made pottery and hand-printed textiles. She spent several years teaching in Invercargill and it was during this time that she designed the plaid now worn as part of the uniform of the Southland Technical College. In August, 1961, Sonia accepted the invitation of her flatmate to audition for the job of Shopping Reporter for 42A, Invercargill. Within five weeks, she took over 4ZA's Women‘s Hour and this was followed by transfers to Hamilton and Masterton. In 1964 she was transferred to Auckland as a successor to Marina, of 1ZB's Women's Hour. Person to Person Now this versatile Southlander takes up another challenge as she becomes the first afternoon women's personality with AKTVZ'S On Camera programme.
From New Zealand TV Weekly, July 3, 1967