Sinclair, Erin
Today's Host
(NZ Sunday Times 30th May, 1965)
Erin Sinclair, this evenings announcer, enjoys all the Sunday programmes.
“I've no special favourites and no special home town,” he says. “I’ve moved around too much."
Erin worked in a legal office in Dunedin.
“I saw Perry Mason‘ and thought that was the life for me,” he said.
Later he joined Dunedin TV. He has been with Channel 1 since last year.
Erin has also worked in the theatre.
He said: “I had a bit part with the New Zealand Players and made my debut by entering in the wrong act.”
After tonight it's never on Sunday for Erin. He leaves for London this week.
from TV Weekly (1966)
ERIN SINCLAIR is proving one of NZBC-TV’s most versatile properties. Erin who has been both continuity announcer and newsreader at DNTV2, newsreader at WNTV1, more recently showed hls adaptability when he compared the 1966 Golden Dlsc Award show. It was soon realised at auditions that Erln could change his crisp news delivery for a relaxed and easy manner at will and NZBC-TV feels that he gives tremendous promise for appearances in the field of light entertainment.