Zed #1-3

Posted: Tuesday, April 2, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder

Creator(s): Michel Gagné
Publishers: Self Published
From: USA
Price: $3.50 (US)

For a story that involves the destruction of a planet with a death toll into the billions, this book provides a surprisingly general brand of humour. Maybe it is simplistic innocence of most of the characters, or perhaps the charming artwork that reminds me of Dr Seuss Book. Whatever the key ingredient, this book can't help but win the reader over.

The narrative follows Zed, a scientist whose brilliant discoveries place him on the short list for a Nob-l prize. Part of the awards ceremony includes a live demonstration of his latest invention, the Energiser. This doesn't go as well as hoped, with billions dead and Zed has become the galaxies' most wanted being.

Michel keeps the plot moving at a snappy pace with a straight forward approach to getting the story told. A well developed sense of humour is to the fore, with amusing characters and a great line in rye dialogue. The contrast of global death and a light hearted approach doesn't make sense if you take time to think about what is going on, but Michel doesn't pause too long so mostly you won't notice. You'll be too busy laughing and wondering who was behind all the death and destruction.

In a Word: Cute..

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