Zine World : Details for #17
Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder
The long overdue Zine World #17 is now available. This is a not-to- miss issue. In addition to the 364 reviews of zines and other self- produced items, this issue features several articles on the state of the nation, post-Sept. 11, such as:
* Protecting Us from The Truth -- regarding the collusion of government and media, serving to keep the public ill-informed and surpressing anti-"patriotic" ideas.
* The Whole World Isn't Watching (But Look Who Is!) -- regarding news coverage and police surveilance of protests here and abroad.
* Crash or Splash? -- outlining the potential coverup behind the crash of Flight 93 on Sept. 11.
* Evil, Evil People -- regarding US complixity in the establishment of the Taliban.
* DoubleTake -- detailing the stark difference between the lines fed to US media by the Pentagon of its "war" in Afghanistan and the brutal reality of what has happened there.
* Are Your Papers in Order? -- outlining the government's zeal for a national ID card, and the corporate interests affiliated with that movement.
* Watch Out! He's Got a Book! -- telling of two individuals who found themselves in hot water because of the reading materials each took with him into an airport.
* The Freedom to Obey -- Without Question -- a column by Grant Schreiber, regarding the recent assault on Americans -- by its own government.
Plus: thought police in public schools, city beautification vs. public
communication, mandatory internet filtering in public libraries, bio- attacks in the mail and how it's likely to affect you, how to make paper books by hand, and the 2001 inductees into the Zine Hall of Fame. And we can't neglect to mention the fantastic cover artwork by Jim Sumii.
It could all be yours for the low price of $4 US, $5 Canada, or $6 overseas. Payable by cash, stamps, or money order with "pay to the order of" left blank -- No Checks! If you want to subscribe, the rate is just $14 for 4 issues US, $18 Canada, or $22 overseas.
PO Box 330156
Murfreesboro TN 37133-0156
Other info, in case you are curious:
Personally, I feel just terrible that this issue was delayed so long, especially because of the importance of the articles it contains. The cause for this delay rests mostly with me -- family issues, job hunting and money concerns kept me from spending time needed on the zine. Its release was further delayed by my inability to find a local affordable printshop. I am going to try my damndest to get us back on schedule with the next issue.
If you have already sent in your order for this issue but haven't received it yet, please be patient. Starting with this issue all orders and subscriptions will be sent via media mail. With rising postal costs and other financial hardships, it's either that or raise the cover price, which we don't want to do. If first class delivery is important to you, you can take our First Class subscription option for $18. To upgrade your current subscription to first class, send $1 per issue remaining on your subscription (your envelope label shows the status of your subscription). Additionally, we are still processing orders received in the last month or so; those copies will be mailed out this week.
If you have as strong a passion for the independent press as we do and find yourself in a better financial position than us, I hope you will consider making a donation to our zine. We could really use your support. Even including an extra buck or a few stamps when sending an order or submitting something for review is helpful. For those of you who can give more, we announce our new lifetime subscription option: Contribute $100 or more to our zine, and Zine World will come to your mailbox as long as we continue to publish it. Donations of cash and stamps are encouraged; we cannot accept checks, but money orders can be sent, payable to Jerianne.
We have officially gone back to calling ourselves Zine World with this issue. You can read all about why in the new issue.
Now then, if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of mail to catch up on! Keep making and reading zines!
Zine World: A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
PO Box 330156, Murfreesboro TN 37133-0156
#16 now available: $4 US, $5 Canada/Mexico, $6 world
If you have a comment or question about Small Press then feel free to contact me