Jack Rabbit #1

Posted: Tuesday, April 23, 2002
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Jack Rabbit #1 Creator(s): Jeff Zwirek
Publishers: elf Published
From: USA
Price: $2:00 (US)

Jack wakes up in a strangers bed with a bra over his face. He can't remember how he got there and doesn't seem that inclined to find out. That's a mistake, 'cause later that day his police chief sends him and his partner to solve a murder, and it just happens to have something to do with the mysterious bra.

Jeff keeps the dialogue to the minimum in this book, letting events play themselves out in front of the reader. Glances are exchanged between characters, photographs examined and clues left for the reader to discover. The pacing is flawless, with scene transitions and montages that are wonderfully thought out. Jeff also has a knack for amusing hard boiled dialogue. Example: Jack roughs up a bad guy with his badge. As Jack leaves, the bad guy retorts You best be nicer copper, I've got your badge number now! pointing to the bruise. That's a clever piece of writing.

The goings on in this are a mix of comedy and stark violence. They drive a Pontiac Transam, Jacks partner has an Afro to die for, but they are reduced to grim silence by a crime scene. The cliches are all on display, grumpy police chief, hooker with a heart of gold, nasty drug dealer. The joy is seeing how well Jack uses them to tell a story.

Wondering about the artwork? Well, it's not too bad. Jack has fun with a wide range of anthropomorphic characters. He also puts alot of effort into realistic backdrops. The layouts are easy to follow and he makes intelligent use of each frame. Don't let the long ears and whiskers put you off, this is a hard boiled cop caper sure to please.

In a Word: Arresting.

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