Free Small Press Day!

Posted: Tuesday, April 15, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Ian Shires whats you to know about a SPA/ ORCA/ Interfan project...

Good day all, and hope you are are well. Once again, the SPA is on the move with some exciting projects, here we go!

Rick Olney and I have begun discussing the development of a sponsored giveaway event that is everything that the comics-industry-hyped "free comic book day" is not. Not that that event is not a good thing, it is and we aren't putting it down. We just think more can be done with the idea.

Our intention is to create a sampler publication with information about the small press network and materials that will encourage people to seek out the roads less traveled that we all walk.

As we look to what is being done already, it is easy for us to see the opportunities missed by the mainstream thinking. Our general consensus is that the introducing of people to the joy of reading can and should be happening at a scholastic level, with libraries and other such avenues that have the potential to reach people that haven't been reached before, to expand the market with outward thinking.

We have decided that this particular topic will be a major focus of the first ever public meeting of the SPA, at the Upcoming Mighty Mini Con, in NY ( We are hereby inviting anyone that can make it to this upstate NY show to come help shape the ideas that forge this project.

This thread: is intended for the discussion and development of this project, to focus in on the hows and whys of bringing this from idea to actual event sometime in 2004. You are welcome to bring forth your ideas, and state your intention to participate. We will keep a running outline of who will do what within the project, as we identify and fill positions/ participants.

Thank you for taking the time to read about this. We hope to make some progress in raising the bar on what small press can be, and we hope you will help spread the word about it.

If you have a comment or question about Small Press then feel free to contact me