One Step Beyond #3

Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of One Step Beyond #3 Writer(s): Michael David Sims
Artist(s): Robert Kubkowski
Publishers: Kitty Litter Comics (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: $1 (US)

A text story about a guy who loves the rain until tragedy strikes his family.

Michael tells us that he and Robert couldn't settle on how to illustrate this story in comic form, so they opted for just a few illustrations to accompany the text. Not much here for a comic critic to get their teeth into. Do I call it a failure as a really bad comic, when it's not really a comic? Perhaps not. The plot itself is interesting, though the way the story is going to end soon becomes apparent from the mood of the narrator.

There are very few illustrations in this book. Those we get are fine, but could have been worked up a bit to fill the pages they are place on. They give the impression of having been cut out of attempts to do the comic, and then just pasted to the blank pages, leaving blank space around them.

For those who have enjoyed earlier issues there is still the basic structure of a story with a twist at the end, but hopefully we can get back into the full comic groove for #4.

In a Word: Wordy.

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