Walking Man Comics Presents Special #47...

Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Walking Man Comics Presents Special #47... Creator(s): Matt Levin
Publishers: Walking Man Comics (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: Four for $3, $1 each (US)

Four more stamp illustrated mini comics plus a programme for a school concert. Matt has, as befits his imprint of musicomics, a lyrical sense of storytelling. His feelings of love for Cinsa (his wife?) are put to song; the freedom of birds; his fathers advise regarding not getting old; and a search for the mythical untarnished trash can.

For short fun picture poems these books are a tread. The stamps that Matt uses are lively and fun, defying the idea that stamps mean repetitive or flat images. The lyrics that he writes for the musicomics are catchy, though being fairly un-musical myself I can't really pass judgement on the quality of the tunes as provided in the sheet music.

Foremost in my list of fun and affirming reads, these comics have a charm of their own.

In a Word: Hits.

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