Two Mini's by David Goodman

Posted: Tuesday, September 2, 2003
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Two Mini's by David Goodman Creator(s): David Goodman
Publishers: Self Published
From: uk
Price: Free

Chatroom Rendesvous

A guy arranges to meet his chatroom friend in real life but gets more than he expected and less than he was wanting. Done in a pretty anthropomorphic style, this mini comic has a straightforward little narrative that gets a laugh.

In a Word: Cute

Magic Science Robot Zappy

A robot suddenly appears out of the air and takes a child off to the Tenth Century so he can learn the truth about the Vikings. There reception isn't the most inviting...

This is a funny wee book that does just enough to get the joke across. The artwork is very amusing, drawn in a cartoon style that suits the fun of the story.

In a Word: Jocular.

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