Call for Submissions: Worlds Worst Love Stories

Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006
By: Darren Schroeder

"WORLDS WORST LOVE STORIES" is a new Paper Tiger Theme anthology. The anthology is to be a lighthearted, humourous, bizarre or bittersweet anthology on whatever you deem to be a worlds worst love story...

The strips could be true, autobiographical, absurd, comedy/tragic, slightly-sentimental, weird, sinister, warped or downright hysterical....the most unlikely & bizarre stories are welcome!

The first stories we have planned for the anthology are a tragi-comedy-come crime-of passion between a mermaid & a sailor entitled "Low Down Dirty Sea -Dog" & "Wild Love" a woman who falls for a neanderthal.

let your imagination run riot: real-life unrequited quasimodos. amorous androids. soft-centred traffic wardens, old fashioned courting aliens, opposites attract taken to extremes, backfiring valentines, unlikely heartthrobs, 50's/60's pulp romance send-ups, temptresses, exotica gone bad, 50's film style shock romance (ie:"i married a deadman"), incompatable couples...whoever, whatever it's up to you.

The weirder, more bizarre, clever & innovative the better, it would be good to push the envelope in terms of ideas, quality & art.

The anthology will be A5 black & white/greyscale with colour cover..

Contributors are allowed up to 6 pages for a strip. 1 page illustrations are welcome too

Deadline for this anthology is 12TH DECEMBER, hopefully we can get printed up in time for XMAS, failing that VALENTINES DAY!

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