OZ comics newsletter
Posted: Monday, February 28, 2000
By: Darren
Newletter V.2 #58
These are put together by John Weeks and has been posted here with his kind permission.
KIERAN MANGAN of _Monkey Headman_, _Urgh_ and so much more will be interviewed on SRA-FM 94.9 February 28, 2000 between 11 am and 1pm. Also available via the webcast at http:// www.sra.org.au. Kieran has personally designed a flyer for the show, and will be discussing his current comics triumphs and tragedies.
AMANDA KERLEY of the NATIONAL YOUNG WRITERS' FESTIVAL plans to visit Melbourne and will be chilling at the Empress of India Hotel Friday March 3rd 6pm ish. Corner of Nicholson St and Scotchmer St North Fitzroy.
NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL is seeking 'expressions of interest' from graffiti artists for legal graffiti projects around the city. Please send your CV (what do you mean, you "don't have a CV"?!) and ten photos or slides of recent legal work to the Newcastle City Council.
SMITTEN KITTEN ZINE DISTRO is looking for comics and zines to distribute.
New catalogue will be out in April.
STUART STRATU of Sick Puppy writes that The Land Beyond Beyond is about to close. He's also gotten a mention in the Sydney Morning Herald in an article about the store.
ADRIAN TOMINE has a diary feature in Slate online magazine. Check it out at:
KIRRILY SCHELL is housesitting in Canberra.
GREGORY MACKAY is attempting to demo some animation.
Q-RAY has more of his _Ling_ web serial up: http://www.fatkid.com.au
Well, it's been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon.In honor of Mr. T's birthday I've redone my site.
I've posted some info regarding the Polyester Raid to the Comics Journal. You can view the discussion thread at:
Melbourne remains agog over recent reviews in Maximum Rock n' Roll. It's not that hard to get a writeup, you know. You just have to send your work in. Here are a few places that do reviews, just off the top of my head.
"Thrown To the Wolves", on Comics Journal Web Site
Alternative Comics Kiva
Maximum Rock N' Roll
(You need to follow submission guidelines to get reviewed)
Punk Planet
A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
Zine Guide
P.O. Box 5467 Evanston, IL 60204 U.S.A.
E-mail: zineguideSTOP-@-SPAMinteraccess.com.
Comics Quarterly:
P.O. Box 2231, North Brighton, Victoria, 3186, Australia
Milk Bar (Oz stuff only): http://come.to/milkbar
There's also a list of reviewzines, distros, etc. at Karl Thomsen's site:
Read the Silver Bullet Comics interview with Karl
If you haven't heard about the hip new book on Australian comics, get with it:
BONZER, Australian comics 1900s - 1990s
Edited by Annette Shiell
National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University.
ISBN 1-876308-12-5
publisher: Elgua Media
$40 Australian
Dates to Remember:
Hobart Fringe Festival Feb 18-March 5
Mardi Gras Feb 20
Melbourne Bar & Bistro comics meeting Feb. 26, 8pm
Digital Arts & Culture Conference March 1
Armageddon Convention March 18 & 19
COMIC FEST 2000 25th March
San Diego Comic-Con July 20-23
Small Press Expo Sept 15-17
National Young Writers' Festival (Newcastle) October 6-8
Electrofringe October 6-8 (?)
SPLAT! Sydney Comix Exhibition Late October
Submission Deadlines:
Weed Witches Feb 29
Satan Lives with Me March 24
Small Press Expo Book April 1
Milk Bar April 1
Abominable Knowledge Emporium April 14
ISEA submissions April 15
Untold.net Ongoing
Wondering about some of the stuff listed above? More dirt at
John's Newletter archive.
If you have a comment or question about Small Press then feel free to contact me