Close Encounters of the Brazilian Kind

Posted: Sunday, April 2, 2000
By: Darren

The first issue of Close Encounters of the Brazilian Kind (CE-BK) has just been released and here's what you'll find in it:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Football Player and the Werewolf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Imagine that you are dreaming about a creature, half man, half wolf, with razor sharp claws and teeth, thirsty for blood. Now imagine that the creature begins chasing you down a deserted street late one night, anxious to sink its claws and teeth into you, ready to rip you apart and devour you. A horrible nightmare, to say the least.
Some of us may have had just such a nightmare as described above. But, how many of us have actually experienced such a situation in real life and lived to tell the tale? Well . . . . as far as I know, one man has for sure: Wilson Dourado de Paula.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close Encounter in Varginha <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Varginha ("Var-ZJEEN-uh") is an active city with a population of about 120,000 people in the south of the state of Minas Gerais. It has quite a few industries but it is noted for being one of Brazil's leading coffee exporting centers, and has given itself the title of Coffee Capital of Brazil.
Today, Varginha is still noted for its coffee exportation, but now, as of January 20, 1996, it has also become home to one of the most incredible incidents to ever happen in the history of mankind: THE CAPTURE OF "ETs".
Close Encounter in Varginha is an illustrated black and white story by Elvis Vinicius of the early stages of the capture of ETs in the city of Varginha.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An Interview with Vitório Pacaccini <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On January 20, 1996, two sisters and a friend, Katia, Liliane and Valeria, observed, at close range, a strange looking humanoid creature in the small Brazilian city of Varginha, located in the state of Minas Gerais. Soon after, rumors began flying around Varginha that Brazilian authorities had captured the humanoid creature the girls had encountered, plus two others. From that moment on, the VARGINHA INCIDENT was born and has since become the most important UFO case in the history of Brazilian ufology, and certainly one of the most important ufology cases in the world.
Vitorio Pacaccini, a Brazilian ufologist from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, has been involved with investigations into the Varginha case from its beginning. He is the author of the book Incidente em Varginha (Criaturas do Espaço no Sul de Minas) Incident in Varginha (Space Creatures in the South of Minas).
Vitorio Pacaccini gives an exclusive interview to CE-BK author Michael Wysmierski about his work and the Varginha Incident.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plínio Bragatto's Unexpected Trip <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
A simple caretaker of a farm from Governador Valadares gets the surprise visit of lifetime from some "Martians", who invite him to visit the Red Planet, which he accepts. But when the "Martians" bring him back, they leave him in Montes Claro, which is 800 kilometers from where they picked him up.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Edson Roberto Marcelo Case <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
While driving down a highway a man encounters a mysterious light and passes out; 40 minutes later he wakes up in his car and . . . . . he can't remember what to him during that time. He seeks the help of a UFO organization and a psychiatrist to recover the 40 minutes missing from his life.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Light in the Sky <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-Day Saints encounter na unidentified flying object at a remote bus stop in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UFO Incident at Porto Novo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
An ex-airplane designer for EMBRAER (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica), the largest aeronautics company in Latin America, witnesses the landing of an alien craft on a beach in São Paulo.

CE-BK is the only English language magazine in the world dedicated to Brazilian ufology and paranormal phenomenon. Each issue of CE-BK contains 6 to 7 incredible stories with beautifully drawn illustrations, plus a colorful interview With one of Brazil's leading investigators of UFO/paranormal phenomenon.
Look for these stories in future issues of CE-BK:
- Brazilian pilots and their encounters with UFOs - UFO crashes in Brazil - Ghostly appearances on the highways of Brazil - Abduction stories from Brazilian ufology - Mysterious places - Brazilian psychics . . . . . . . . and more.

CE-BK is a quarterly publication from Liquid Press. For more information on CE-BK, please visit the Liquid Press web site.

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