Butcher, the

Posted: Tuesday, July 11, 2000
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Butcher, the Creator(s): Ben Steinbeck
Publishers: Self Published
From: com

Okay, so this butcher guy is cleaning up the butchery and another guy comes in and starts smashing a display case. This annoys said butcher so he wanders over and smashes the smacher's head into the display case. Remember kids, glass and necks don't mix well.

The next thing we know butcher-guy is driving around in the country (Desert/hillbilly/road movie kind). Oh, yeah, and he is having hallucinations of people who have pig heads as heads. There are fights, big knives and hints of mucho' torture to follow. Then it ends.

Hmmm, well, the artwork is very very detailed, and Ben successfully tries out a few different drawing techniques as he goes. Shame he couldn't come up characters worth knowing or a plot worth telling

In a Word: Gutless.

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