Stay As You Are #6

Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2000
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Stay As You Are #6 Creator(s): Brad Young
Publishers: Self Published
From: Canada

Language is an important tool that many comic creators leave out in the rain to get rusty then wonder why they can't get their comics to work. You have to put some effort into it otherwise you end up with a lazy and cliched work. That's okay if the characters are running around having a big fight or plotting the overthrow of alien armies, but every so often we need more.

Brad is the man to give us so much more than that with his smart and witty Stay as You Are strips. Each is a 6 panel masterpiece of cleaver writing. He does not seem to have found a limit to the imaginative uses he can make of those six frames, placing his two protagonists into more and more strange situations while they discuss the fate of modern consumer culture. Fads, Television violence, kids toys and irony are just some of the topics that Brad investigates in this issue.

If the writing is idea crammed, so is the artwork. These guys parachute, rescue cats from the branches of trees, visit Naiagra Falls and a whole lot of other stuff. Sometimes it's relevant to the dialogue, sometimes it is off on a complete tangent, but it's always something interesting.

Brad seems to be full of ideas, I just hope he isn't stalking people in back allys and stealing their brilliant ideas while no one is looking. If you live in N. Vancouver and are missing any cleaver remarks or an insightful social commentary, then contact the police and tell then Brad has it.

In a Word: Intelligent.

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