Dangerous Times Ashcan

Posted: Tuesday, January 30, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Dangerous Times Ashcan Writer(s): Alexei Kondratiev, Margie Spears
Artist(s): James Fletcher, Vince Mielcarek
Publishers: Evolution Comics (Self Published)
From: USA
Price: 25c (USA)

A brief sampler of two comic is this. Vidorix the Druid sees the Roman army butcher a community of Druids with only the title character escaping. Plot wise we just get a battle and a druid dying at the feet of Vidorix, but James Fletcher's artwork is most impressive even if he is poorly served my some blurry photocopying. Still, his work on the clothing and detailed character work still comes through.

Beleagean Days see a band of space police having a bad day as their ship is destroyed by rioting prisoners and their captives escaping. The dialogue is a strong point in this sample, with the nasty villain getting some great lines as he gets the better of the prison thugs.

In a Word: Successful.

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