Go Postal Now!
Posted: Tuesday, February 20, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder
Lynette Bondarchuk from the Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA) has been sending out more information about the their 'going postal' mail art exhibition:
She sent us a few pictures (they are lo-res and small so you shouldn't have any problems downloading them):
1. The call for submissions
2. 3 pieces 'traditional' MAIL ART (ie- envelopes/postcards)"

3. and some links
"Once Upon a Forest"
(VISUAL SOUNDSCAPES animations by Maruto):
She suggests you check out # 5 (sept.1999), # 7 (nov. 1999) plus the bottom menu: # 1 (may 2000), # 3 (july 2000), # 7 (Nov.), and # 9 (january 2001)...
Greg is in the early stages of designing our exhibit poster for Going Postal (the 'severed tongue mail artist' graphic you see on our call is the *thumbnail* to what will eventually be a more stylized illustration. We are then using the image to adapt Michael Bidner's poster from the first Artistamps exhibtion (London, Ont., 1984).
She described these as "... a 'beginning reference' point for people who aren't sure what to send; we're hoping people will submit other 'non-traditional' mail art as well... the beauty of MAIL ART these days is having the web as another possible outlet for communication. E-mail has opened up an entirely new paradigm shift in the concept of mass-mailing/ transmitting/distributing *digital* mail art to others..."
She also had some new information regarding developments with ESPA:
"People who want to DISTRIBUTE their projects: The ESPA will soon have a *consistent* outlet for retailing people's zines, CD's, and stuff; every weekend starting in April we will have a booth set up at The Paris Market (in downtown Edmonton), so to those of you who I told *not* to send stuff until our show, YOU CAN NOW. We will distribute ON CONSIGNMENT ONLY, though. We would love to buy your stuff outright but we can't afford it so we don't. We will now take a 30% percentage off of the cover price; we never used to take anything, but we need to make enough to cover our costs of renting the space and/or mailing back unsold copies, etc.. If you want us to distribute your stuff, send UP TO 5 COPIES ONLY (per issue), with CLEAR CONTACT INFO, and an invoice stating NUMBER OF COPIES sent and PRICES (in CANADIAN or U.S. dollars ONLY, please).
LIBRARIES: We are happy to send out extra FREE copies of zines we run across, but it's been costing us a fortune to do this (which we can't afford), so here's the new deal: We will happily send you zines for FREE, but ONLY IF you agree IN ADVANCE to pick up the cost of the POSTAGE (ie- we will mail the packages C.O.D.). That said, if you have extras you can send to the ESPA Library & Archive, great! Call/email me (Lynette) ahead of time to let me know what you're sending, and we will pay for the postage on our end.
Lynette Bondarchuk,
Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA)
(780) 434-9236 / espa2002STOP-@-SPAMshaw.ca
MAIL the ESPA (Going Postal / Etre Timbre) at:
P.O. Box 75086, R.P.O., Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 6K1, CANADA
-- or --
c/o Lynette, 9811 80 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 1S9, CANADA
If you have a comment or question about Small Press then feel free to contact me