Little Black Book #1

Posted: Wednesday, March 7, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of Little Black Book #1 Creator(s): M. Wilson with story assistance from J Stuart & R Burnall
Publishers: 2D Comics (Self Published, 1994)
From: Australia

This A5 collection of strips showcases M's quirky sense of humor. What with the opening story entitled Choppaturd, the origin of a piece of crap with rotor blades attached, and the adventures of Dazzling Doug Doom and his 105 personalities. This eclectic mix makes it more likely that you will find something that will appeal to you. These was much here that amused me, and the more serious strip concerning re-incarnation make me go hmmm.

While the cover warns that this is guaranteed to offend some people, there is nothing here that is really nasty. One tale about the meeting of a guy's "manhood" and a hot plate might make you blush (or wince) but apart from a few long distance butt shots their isn't much to be seen.

The quality of M's artwork varies with some detailed 3D work sitting alongside rough scribbles.

In a Word: pot-pourri.

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