Adult Issues

Posted: Tuesday, March 20, 2001
By: Moira Clunie

Cover of Adult Issues Creator(s): Debra Boyask
Publishers: Teacake's Comics [self published]
From: New Zealand
Price: $3 (NZ)

As the title suggests, Debra's newest book is a collections of ponderings about Adult Issues - not the sort that come with an R18 rating and feature gratuitous nakedness, but the more everyday kinds of things that go with growing up - meeting new flatmates, buying bras, falling in love, working with people you hate, removing hair from your legs [and agonising over whether doing so compromises your feminist principles], that sort of thing.

The visual and conceptual style is varied - stories range from autobiographical tales to silly puns to musings about emotions to humour about mind control cults. The Soft Porn Elves from Debra's last book, The Ancient Geeks, make a reappearance, but even they grow up and realise the benefits of wearing clothes.

Debra's drawing style is varied too, - she draws herself three or four different ways, and the style of her figures differs in each story and sometimes within the same story Depilation. The variety of ideas and styles could be distracting, but everything links together well through the overall theme of the book.

In a Word: Grownup.

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