ButterGuy #1

Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2001
By: Darren Schroeder

Cover of ButterGuy #1 Creator(s): Shane D. Rivett
Publishers: Freakypud's Comix (self Published)
From: UK
Price: $1 (US)

Lewis Lefthorn had a horrible childhood. Bullied at school his only peace was found huddled in his bedroom. There he spent his absorbed in science, working on jet packs an other high tech projects. Unfortunately College was no different for Lewis, and he found himself running from a bully. In his confusion he stumbles and falls to certain death......until he is caught and saved by everyone's favourite superhero, Captain Charisma.

This turn of events leads Lewis to dedicate his skills to becoming a superhero, Aided by a piece of the Captain's costume he builds his own outfit. Call himself sell ButterGuy he starts flying around and eventually saves the city from disaster, but Captain Charisma doesn't like the competition.

Shane does a good job of putting together an amusing superhero title that tells a slightly silly story without falling into slapstick. He illustrates the story in a cartoonish style that suits the tone of preceding very well, thought in a couple of pages the word balloons almost crowd out the artwork. It could be that he has tried to put too many panels on some of the page, it would be better to spread things out a bit.

While there's nothing particularly bad about this comic, it's only the delightfully camp butterfly costume that really sticks in the mind for a few hours after reading it.

In a Word: medium.

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