A dancing competition series hosted by Rae Pritchard, broadcast live from the Peter Pan Cabaret in Queen Street, Auckland, where viewers would vote for their choice by sending a postcard to AKTV2 with the number of the dance couple.
Credits from 1964:
Your Hostess - Rae Pritchard
Lighting - David Hendry
Sound - Neil Wilkinson
Hairstyles by Winters of Queen Street
Designer - Anthony Stones
Technical Director - Ken Law
Stage Manager - Bert Devine
Produced by Frank C Hobson
Music performed by Arthur Skelton and his Ballroom Band.
I've found references to a pilot under this name being made in 1967, but i think that might be an incorrect reference to a later and similar show Come Dancing
Nearly all the details above are care of visitor to the site Gerard based on an estate lot of old 1/4 inch reel to reel tapes he has which included sound recordings of "Dancing Time" from 1964 and a Standard 8 movie film of a visit to the Peter Pan Cabaret when filming was taking place. A big thanks to Gerard for sharing these with us.
These were originally recorded off air from the broadcasts on to reel-to-reel tape by Eric Bartington (a Post Office telephone technician) who Gerard thinks also took the 8mm footage.
Sound quality improves as the series progresses, with episode 7 the easiest on the ears.
1964 Episode 1
1964 Episode 2
1964 Episode 3
1964 Episode 4
1964 Episode 5
1964 Episode 6
1964 Episode 7
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