Life on a hill-country sheep station, featuring antics of colourful characters who work there, along with 'Screech' the Kea and 'Mouldy' the Ram.
Cornstarch - Kevin Wilson
Robin - Annie Holden
Charlie - Olly Ohlson
Blue - Endel Lust
Producer - Kim Gabara
First season screened in 1975 Thursdays at 4.10pm, on TV2
06 Nov 75 - "Sheep - And a Wedding"
13 Nov 75 - "A Day At The Show"
20 Nov 75 - "Dogs"
27 Nov 75 - "Machinary"
04 Dec 75 - "Growing Things"
11 Dec 75 - "Wool"
18 Dec 75 - "Conservation - And Preparing For Christmas"
25 Dec 75 - "Christmas Day"
Second season in 1976.
There's mischief in them thar hills
WOOLLY HILLS hands (from left} Robin, Charlie, Comstarch and Blue get up to more sheep station shenanigans today. Robin (ANNIE HOLDEN) pulls her weight about the place — and then some, if the scene above is typical. Shepherd Charlie (OLLY OHLSONI comes from a long line of sheep tenders. A hasiay type, always ready with a song. he knows just about there is to know about the backblocks. Cornstarch (KEVIN J. WILSON] is the station cook, an eccentric who likes people to think that cooking is really the bane of his life. Roustabout Blue (ENDEL LUST) originates many of the pranks about the farm. He is not afraid to speak out when the occasion demands on subjects as various as freedom. hard work and low wages.
High-country life is theme of new series
Press, Volume CXV, Issue 33955, 23 September 1975, Page 4
A new children’s programme built around life on a hill-country sheep station is being produced by TV2 in Christchurch. Called Woolly Hills. the series is being filmed on a sheep farm in the Port Hills. The producer is Kim Gabara, who produced the successful C. Gull series which has been showing from TV2 in Auckland but has not been seen in Christchurch because of the aerial fault. Woolly Hills uses the same actors, but they will play different roles. There will be Charlie, the shepherd; Cornstarch, the cook; Blue, the rousabout; and Robin, the landgirl. Puppet characters will be Screech, a! kea, and Mouldy, an old ram.
The programme will begin at 4.10 p.m. on October 2, and if TV2 begins transmission on October 6 in the afternoons from Christchurch, young viewers will miss only one episode.
Kim Gabara explains that the series will include songs, stories and a craft related to it.
For example in one episode about lambs, the dialogue will naturally be about lambs and lambing; there will be a look at the plastic coverings used for lambs, songs about farming life and instructions on how to make a lamb from a cotton reel, pipe cleaners and cotton wool.
The series has a dramatic; format in that there will be! a story in each episode,: and it will also aim to provide information for the six to nine-year-olds it is geared to. The action will take place: “Up the back” around the cookhouse, machinery sheds, shearing shed, and paddocks.
Television Two has ordered the building of a cookhouse which will be added to Christchurch Estates farm for the shooting of the 13-part series. Production will being on September 30. Children will be encouraged to write in to the programme and they will be sent sheets of characters from which they can make up their own TV group.
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