an adaptation of Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of treachery, romance and rebellion, chronicling the adventures of Alan Breck and Davie Balfour as they escape murder and shipwreck on a quest for justice, all set against the fierce social and political backdrop of 1760s Scotland.


dvd coverAlan Breck - Iain Glen
Davie Balfour - James Anthony Pearson
Ebenezer Balfour - Adrian Dunbar
Alexander Balfour - Adrian Dunbar
James Stewart - Gregor Fisher
Colonel MacNab - Paul McGann
Catriona Kirstin - Coulter Smith
Cluny - John Bach
Captain Hoseason - Gavin Richards
Ransome - Jake Lindesay
Riach - Andrew Robertt
Rankei llor - John Leigh
Maddy - Emily Barclay
Catechist - Norman Forsey
Weaver Woman - Ginette McDonald
Minister - Gilbert Goldie
Ferryman - Lex Calder
Shug - Alexander Gandar
Red Fox - Edward Newborn
Old Man - Robert McCulley
Young Man - Kelson Henderson
Farmer - Graham Smith
Mrs Robertson - Tania Anderson
Long Mile Leader - Lee Tuson

Director - Brendan Maher
Producer - Diana Kyle
Executive Producers - Jesse Cleverly and Elaine Sperber
Screenplay - Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle

A South Pacific Pictures production for CBBC.


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