The continuing story of the lives of people working in a South Auckland plastics factory, this series started out as a weekly daytime soap screening at 1:50pm on Tuesday afternoons on TV2.
First episode 30/6/1975. A suspected takeover bid causes uncertainty between the two directors of JoyPam Plastics: Nicky and Peter Harrison seem to hold different views on marital responsibility. Meanwhile that model of virtue, Mrs Tindall, dispenses tea without sympathy.
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Written by Eddie Hegan
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
(7/7/1975) Episode 2: The business partnership of Jack Collins and David Wilson is showing signs of tension. Bruce Cunningham continues to conspire with persons unknown and the new designer comes as a surprise to everyone.
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth Mare
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridge
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Written by Eddie Hegan
Producer - Bill Cole
(14/7/1975) We're just a morning-tea factory making plastics in our spare time!
Crisis point at JoyPam over a late delivery isn't helped when Mrs Tindall orders her materials - in bulk.
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth Mcrae
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Mary - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Merv - Hemi Rapata
Ferguson - David Weatherley
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Written by Eddie Hegan
Designer Logan Brewer
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wainsbrough
(21/7/1975) Kicky Harrison gets another job, Mrs Tindall nearly gets fired and Joyce Collins has an appointment with her doctor as life at Joypam continues. Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Kicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Kepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth McRae
Doctor - Alan Carlisle
Written by Eddie Hegan
Director John Wansbrough
Executive Producer Bill Cole
(28/7/1975) Susan Collins is home looking after her mother and Nicky finds office and family duties don't mix. Lyn Cooper gets nearer to finding out the truth about Bruce Cunningham.
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Pamela Wilson - Brian Gidley
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Joyce - Elizabeth McRae
Susan Collins Elizabeth Coulter
Muri - Hemi Rapata
Written by David Hughes
Director John Wansbrough
Executive Producer Bill Cole
(4/8/1975) Susan Collins finds she has a rival; Roger and Lyn disagree about the dress for an evening at the theatre and Muri does one favour too many for Mrs Tindall.
Peter Morrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tendon - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth McRae
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Suson Collins Elizabeth Coulter
Muri - Hemi Rapata
Nicky Nortakla - Janet Milne
Written by Peter Kidd Davis
Designer Logan Brewer
Executive Producer Bill Cole

(11/8/1975) Jack Collins feels that Joypam is becoming a part-time concern as personal tensions interfere with business
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Mots - Milton Hughes
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Written by Peter Kidd Davis
Director - Logan Brewer
Executive Producor Bill Cole
(18/8/1975) Jack Collins finds himself handling Joypam's switchboard: Peter has some suspicions confirmed and Roger is upset.
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth McRae
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Matu - Milton Hughes
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Written by Peter Kidd Davis
Director - Logan Brewer
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
(25/8/1975) The Harrisons buy their son Michael a birthday present. Merv involves Joypam in a community project and a stranger calls looking for Lyn. Peru Harrison Sydney Jackson
NIcky Harrison - Janet Milne
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
James Cooper - Makweu Jackson
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roper Hopi - Grant Maungakahia
Written by - Olwynne Fergusson
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansborough
(1/9/1975) Secret plans for Michael's birthday end in tears and the Collins family sustain a shock.
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods Roper Hopi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Muri - Hemi Rapata
Written by Olwynne Fergusson
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian McDuffie
(8/9/1975) Wilson is in Collins's chair and Susan stands in Joyce's shoes. Lyn has unexpected callers at home and Pamela gets involved with Joypam's working life. Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Kevin Collins - Christopher White
Geoffrey Collins - David Cole
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Dr Reade - Alan Carlisle
Barry Dempsey - Peter Morgan
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(15/9/1975) Mrs Tindall's life is over-whelmed by troubles; Lyn does Collins's a good turn and Pamela pleases a customer and upsets Bruce.
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Merv - Ray Woolf
Lyn Copper - Louise Pajo
Health Inspector - Errice Montague
Hamilton - Ernie Stanley
Written by Adrien Blackburn
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian McDuffie
(22/9/1975) Peter's exams are a cause for contention; Merv springs a surprise on Collins and Cathy arrives to stay with Lyn.
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Merv - Ray Woolf
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Cathy - Domini Searell
Written by David Hughes
Designer Logan Brewer
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
The episodes screened so far were then repeated from the start at 6:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights for several months, and then were followed in this early evening timeslot by new episodes.

(13/11/1975) Cathy And Collins See To Eye. Susan Lands In Hot Water And Lyn Chairs A Discussion About The Harrisons' Relationship. Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Kathy Cox - Domini Searell
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Written by David Hughes
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Mcrae
(18/11/1975) Muri and Roger take instructions from Merv, Joyce has plans for Susan's future and Lyn is sailing into a storm.
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Roger Hepl - Grant Mangakahia
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins - - Elizabeth Mcrae
Parnelo Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Merv - Ray Woolf
Murl - Hemi Rapata
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Written by Peter Kidd Davis
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Jon Wansbrough
(20/11/1975) Lyn faces the music and Bruce is confronted with his past. Vicky and Peter have something to celebrate and Pamela questions h e r husband's morality.
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Roger Hepl- Grant Mangakahia
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins - - Elizabeth McRae
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Written by Brent Leslie
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Sharp
(25/11/1975) Thefts from Joypam cause concern. Mrs Tindall finds a button and Peter nabs an intruder.
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth Mcrae
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamaond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Cathy Cox- Domini Searell
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Oridgcr
Merv - Ray Woolf
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Mr Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Director Brian Mcduffie
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designer Logan Brewer
Executive Producer Bill Colt
(27/11/1975) Mrs Tindall's first name is revealed and Peter and WiLson have an argument. Nicky and Peter's ideas differ on their future, and Susan extends her vocabulary.
Susan Collins - Lizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins- Elizabeth Mcrae
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilton - Brian Gidley
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Andrew Richmond Paul Robinson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Mr Tindall Johnny Johnstone
Roger Heal Grant Mangakahia
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Peter Sharp
Executive Producer Bill Cole
(2/12/1975) Lyn receives a letter, and loses, her temper. Susan begins an education.
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth McRae
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilton - Brian Gidley
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Bruce Cuningham - Grant Bridger
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Written by Brent Leslie
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Bill Cole
(4/12/1975) Lyn's turn to take the floor, upset an apple-cart and make an exit. Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Lyn Cooper - Louise Pajo
Mr Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elilabeth Coulter
Written by Anna York
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Brian Mcduffie
Executive Producer Bill Cole
(9/12/1975) Christmas activities are marred by Pamela's unhappiness. Susan achieves her independence, and Cathy discloses a secret.
David Wilson - Brian Gidley
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Mr Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Saran Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth Mcrae
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Muri - Hemi Rapata
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamond
Written by Olwynne Macrae
Designer - Logan Brewer
Director - John Wansbrough
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
(11/12/1975) Two Joypam parties are brought to an abrupt end. Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakania
Merv - Ray Woolf
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell .
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Joyce Collins - Elizabeth Mcrae
Bryce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
David Wilson - Brian Gidey
Andrew Rchmond - Paul Robinson
Mr Thompson - Michael Maynard
Mr Hamilton - Ernie Stanley
Mr Dempsey - Peter Morgan
Mrs Dempsey - Irene Fryer
Policeman - John Mckee
Warren J. Randell
Written by Olwynne Macrae
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Peter Sharp
Excecutine Producer Bill Cole

(16/12/1975) Great Aunt Lily arrives from Invercargill and Goff discovers who winds the alarm crock. Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Geoff Collins - Christopher White
Kevin Collins - David Cole
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamond
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Mrs Tindall- Alma Woods
Mr Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Aunt Lily - Pat Evison
Vicar - Lex Calder
Gwen - Sheila Summers
Phoebe - Pamela Merwood
Nicky Morrison - Janet Ailne
Written by David Hughes
Designer Logan Brewer
Director John Wansbrough
Executive Producer Bill Cole
(18/12/1975) Saturday rehearsals in the cafeteria produce some dangerous moments; Pamela solves a mystery - too late, and Susan experiences difficulty in reaching a decision. Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Merv - Ray Woolf
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Ricky Harrison - Janet Milne
Pamala Wilson - Val Lamond
Written by David Hughes
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Bill Cole
(23/12/1975) Susan takes a long lunch hour and Nicky reaches a crossroad.
Merv - - Ray Woolf
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Bryce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Morrison - Janet Milne
Peter Morriso - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Written by Anna York
Designer Logan Brewer
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(24/12/1975) Joypam celebrates Christmas.
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Roger Hopi - Grant Mangakahia
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Mr Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Muri - Hemi Rapata
Merv - Ray Woolf
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designer Logan Brewer
Director Bill Cole
1976 saw the show move to 7:30 on Tuesday nights:
(3/2/1976) Joypam returns from holiday to find new management.
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Bryce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmmod - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindell - Alma Woods
Eric Tindell - Johnny Johnstone
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Merl Walena - Hemu Rapata
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns Lee Grant
Wally Furguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Next it shifted to 8:30pm
(10/2/1976) Mr Ferguson rolls up his sleeves, and Joypam faces several changes.
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Muri Watene - Hemi Rapata
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barten - Jerry Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Jock Collins - Bill Johnson
Written by Brent Leslie
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(17/2/1976) Julie finds accommodation and arouses resentment in several quarters. Susan begins to question Andrew's integrity.
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Maingakafiia
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Muri Atene - Hemi Rapata
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Wally Fergerson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Makuinui Edwards - Makuinui Menehira
Written by Brent Leslie
Designers Logan Brewer. Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian Mcduffie
(24/2/1976) The Tindalls are in real trouble; Susan and Cathy clash; and Andrew crosses swords with Ferguson.
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamono
Cathy Cox - - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johhstone
Jenn: Caper - Maxwell Jackson
Muri Watene - - Hemi Rapaya
Merv Robinson - - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherly
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Mutu Wharepeuri - Milton Hughes
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Director - Logan Brewer. Lindsay
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director - Brian Mcduffie
(2/3/1976) Cathy hunts for a job, Julie gets her face slapped and Mutu learns that he has a brother who catches crayfish.
Peter Harrison- Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tirdall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Mere Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Susan Colima - Elizabeth Coulter
Mutu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond- Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Wraten by Adrian Blackburn
Designers Logan Brewer. Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian Mcduffie
(9/3/1976) Julie his been at the Wilson's home a week, to Pamela it seems like a year; Susan feels that with a friend like Cathy, who needs enemies; and Ferguson holds a staff meeting.
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Cary Cox - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Jule Burton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson- David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Mutu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian Mcduffie
(16/3/1976) Susan is flat-hunting again; Ferguson receives anonymous phone Pnlls; and Roger returns from his uncle's tangi to find trouble all around him.
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Cathy Cox - - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindell - - Johnny Johnson
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Burton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Gerguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizaeth Coulter
Matu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridger
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(23/3/1976) Bruce declares his indepen-dence, and Roger receives we startling news.
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Cathy Cox - - Domini Searell
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindell - - Johnny Johnson
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Burton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Gerguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizaeth Coulter
Matu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Bruce Cunningham - Grant Bridger
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Written by Adrian Blackburn
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridger
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(30/3/1976) Discontent at Joypam begins to ferment, and Pamela takes a knockback. Roger sees his inheritance and sustains some shocks.
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindell - - Johnny Johnson
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Gerguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizaeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Grace Peterson - Donna Akersten
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Written by David Hughes Designers Logan Brewer and Karen Riseley Executive Producer Bill Cole Director Peter Sharp

(6/4/1976) Joypam becomes involved in time-and-motion study, and Merv takes a trip to the countryside.
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindell - - Johnny Johnson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Gerguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizaeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Grace Peterson - Donna Akersten
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Written by David Hughes
Designers Logan Brewer, Karen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Brian Mcduffie
(13/4/1976) Nicky finds herself flat-hunting; Cathy and Susan meet again, and Peter digs some holes.
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Gerguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizaeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Grace Peterson - Donna Akersten
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Maungakahia
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Mrs Carpenter - Lorna Hope
Makuini Menehira - Makuini Edwards
Matu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Muri Watene - Hemi Rapata
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Written by David Hughes
Designers Logan Brewer, Karen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Bill Cole
(20/4/1976) W.L.A. -Workload Assessment- but who, Roger wonders, is assessing what?
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Pamela Wilson - - Val Lamond
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Wrttlern by David Hughes
Designers Logan Brewer, Kearen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Sharp
(27/4/1976) Merv's career reaches a turning-point. Cathy's unexpected attitude upsets.
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Written by Jan Farr
Designers Logan Brewer, Karen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director John Wansbrough
(4/5/1976) Pamela fights Ferguson - and wins. Grace tells Roger to call the vet. Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Written By Jan Farr
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Sharp
(11/5/1976) James Cooper shouts for all his friends and Nicky's mother pleads a case for Michael.
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Peter Harrison - Sydney Jackson
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
James Cooper - Maxwell Jackson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Written by Jan Farr
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Sharp
(18/5/1976) Julie makes several apologies. Down at the farm, disaster strikes.
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Pamela Wilton - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Betty Standish - Myra de Groot Matu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Muri Watene - Hemi Rapata
Written by Jonathan Talbot
Designers Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge
Director Peter Sharp
(25/5/1976) Sam and Ferguson meet in direct conflict. Muri is the cause.
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Matu Wharepoori - Milton Hughes
Muri Watene - Hemi Rapata
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Dick Green - Don Cessell Nicky Ferguson - David Weatherly
Written by Johathan Talbot
Designers Logan Brewer And Lindsay Lethbridge
Director Bill Cole
(1/6/1976) Collins is forced to take a long look at himself - and so do his friends and family.
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Barnes - Lee Grant
Nicky Ferguson - David Weatherly
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Mrs Tindall - Alma Woods
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Nicky Harrison - - Janet Milne
Jack Colins - Bill Johnson
Kevin Collins - Christopher White
Salty - Deborah Kelliher Policeman - John Hamilton Pig Sticker - Peter Sakey Written by Anne Luttrell Designers Logan Brewer And Lindsay Lethbridge Executive Producer Bill Cole Director John Wansbrough
Grace learns about nine-tenths of the law. And at the pub Eric loses out.
Susan Collins - Elizabeth Coulter
Julie Burton - Jenny Ludlam
Saren Burns - Lise Grant
Grace Paterson - Donna Akerstena
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny John Stone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Nicky Harrison - Janet Munie
Pamela Wilson - Val Lammond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Piq Sticker - Peter Sakey
Danny Boy- Norman Fletcher
Dick Green - Don Kessell
Written by Ken Catran
Designers Logan Brewer and Lindsay Lethbridge
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
Director - John Wansbrouch
Andrew plays a dirty trick on Cathy. Julie's provocative habits land her in dangerous trouble.
Julie Burton - Jenny Ludlam
Saren Burns - Lise Grant
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox - Domini Searell
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Pamela Wilson - Val Lammond
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Kevin Collins - Chris White
Lew - Ashley Thorne
Desmond Warphin - Don Farr
Written by Jan Farr
Designers - Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge, Karen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Sharpe
(22/6/1976) Collins has a blind date and Roger takes Susan shopping.
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Andrew Richardson - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox - Donini Searell
Merv Robinsin - Ray Woolf
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamomo
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Susan Collins - Liz Coulter
Mika Flickman - Johnny Bond
Matu Wharepouri - Milton Hughes
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Angels Brinkton- Cynthia Anthony
Written by Anna York
Desingers Logan Brewer/Lindsay Lethbridge /Karen Riseley
Executive Producer Bill Cole
Director Peter Shaiine
(29-6-1976) Merv's problems increase, and Nicky offers comfort.
Wally Ferguson David Weatherley
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox Domini Searell
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Roger Hspi - Grant Mangakahia
Susan Collins - Liz Coulter
Julie Barton - Jenny Luduva
Son, Berm - Lee Grant
Jocs Cellists - Bill Johnson
Mutu Whorepsert - Milton Hughes
Written by Ken Catran
Designers Logan Brewer/Lindsay Lethbridge/karen Riseley
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
Director - John Wansbrough
(7/7/1976) Roger pays a Late night call on Susan, Vicky faces tragedy.
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Cathy Cox Domini Searell
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Roger Hspi - Grant Mangakahia
Susan Collins - Liz Coulter
Julie Barton - Jenny Luduva
Son, Berm - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson David Weatherley -
Matu Whiceproorl - Milton Hughes
Betty Standish - Myra De Groot
Written by David Hughes
Designer: Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge And Karen Riseley
Executive Producer - Bill Cole
Director - John Wansbrough
(13/7/1976) Kevin Collins offers his father some aftershave and Mervlakes a long drive.
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Susan Collins - Liz Coulter
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Kevin Collins - Chris White
Veronica Brown - Kay Gaylor
Britten by Lewis Bellamy
Designers - Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge, Karen Riseley
Director Bill Cole
(20-7-1976) Final. Susan receives two surprises and Nicky has to make a decision.
Merv Robinson - Ray Woolf
Eric Tindall - Johnny Johnstone
Esme Tindall - Alma Woods
Nicky Harrison - Janet Milne
Pamela Wilson - Val Lamond
Roger Hepi - Grant Mangakahia
Susan Collins - Liz Coulter
Julie Barton - Jenny Ludlam
Sam Burns - Lee Grant
Wally Ferguson - David Weatherley
Grace Paterson - Donna Akersten
Andrew Richmond - Paul Robinson
Jack Collins - Bill Johnson
Veronica Brown - Kay Gaylor
Dick Green - Don Kessell
Kevin Collins - Chris White
Written by Lewis Bellamy
Designers - Logan Brewer, Lindsay Lethbridge, Karen Riseley
Director Bill Cole
According to nzonscreen Despite reviews praising the show's characters and direction, A Going Concern was cancelled after one season, partly thanks to the limited audience who could then receive the new second channel.
All the footage that is know to remain of the show is a short clip from a variety show Ray Woolf hosted:
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