One off drama written by Julian Dickon (as Julian Dickson) described by its producer as an analysis of suburban wedlock, and examination of how a couple react to each other.

Glenis Levestam: Avis
Eric Wood: David
Produced by David Stevens     
Film Editing by Bernard Crook     
Production Design by Ken Goodman     
Marianne Fountaine ... videotape editor

David Stevens, producer of Marriage, calls it an analysis of suburban wedlock, an examination of how a couple react to each other. He says it is a difficult play... technically one of the most complicated we've done. With only two characters performing for about an hour, it still manages to cover a lot of ground.

Using a time-lapse technique this play is able to show the reaction of the couple to each other over the years. Rather than spotlighting the;
marriage at a single crisis point, the play shows the development of their relationship.

Three sets at the most can be wedged into a studio; The Genuine Plastic Marriage called for many. The production crew and actors Eric Wood and Glenis Levestam (Downstage theatre actors) worked in the studio for the equivalent of six days. Then came the technical task of what David Stevens calls a large amount of sophisticated video-tape editing - The Listener 1970

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