Simon Barnett reportedly had a ball hosting this quiz show, which combined a test of New Zealand general knowledge with Olympic knowledge.
"I've done a few quiz shows over the years, including Face the Music, Wheel of Fortune and Telebingo, so it's great just to be back in the saddle," he said. "And this is probably one of the first shows where I haven't worked with anybody else, it's just me on my own, so there's a bit more pressure. But it's a really good format for a show and it's very exciting."
The series was structured to produce 16 bronze medal winners, four silver and ultimately one gold winner. And there were loads of prizes, including whiteware, travel packages, a huge plasma television and DVD package, and a sparkling Jeep Cherokee.
Barnett admitted that he would probably have fared better in the general knowledge questions that the Olympic trivia. "Although I love sport, the Olympics have been going for so long there's a huge range of questions that can be asked.
"I do know they used to compete naked so I'd rather be hosting a show about it than competing in those early days," he laughs.
There were three rounds of six questions each and the sixth question in each round is known as a "Champion Question" and was of a greater degree of difficulty. The champion questions were Olympic based.
But it wasn't your straight question and answer format - instead the questions were all multi-choice and the contestants had 10 seconds to select their answer. The scores accumulated and the winner was the one with the most points at the end of each show.
"Quiz show formats have traditionally followed a more simple question and answer format where speed is the crucial factor," said producer Stephanie Hutchinson. "But with Grand Champion Olympic Challenge, we've opted to structure it so it's more a thinking game than a speed game."
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