Situation comedy revolving around misadventures of 3 Kiwi bloke characters. With David McPhail, Jon Gadsby and Peter Rowley.

Released on VHS:

Look like there were three tapes for sale

Vol 1.


Jet boat. Dinner downunder
directed by Ian Mune ; produced by Anne Williams ; written by A.K. Grant, David McPhail and Jon Gadsby.
Two episodes, including the pilot show.

Vol. 2
Three episodes: Unofficial channels directed by Ian Mune, produced by Anne Williams. Cementing a friendship directed by Tom Parkinson, produced by Malcolm Hall. The sweet smell of success directed by Brendon Butt, produced by Ray Lillis.

Vol. 3:
Three Episodes: A serious undertaking directed by Ian Mune, produced by Anne Wiliams. A bit of a beef, and, Among my souvenirs directed by Brendon Butt, produced by Ray Lillis.

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