A six part gently humorous drama series looking at hospital life from the bottom up.
Harry Lewis - Roy Billing
Bill Porteous - Peter Bland
Gertrude Tell - Judie Douglass
Sid Tuwhare - George Henare
Clive Rowlands - Bill Johnson
Peter Lowe - Steven Judd
Ambulance Driver - Ian Mune
Director: Noam Pitlik
Producer: Jonathan Hardy
Producer: Murray Newey
Producer: Dean Hill
Writer: Jonathan Hardy
1) 28/08/1988
Peter Lowe, an ex seminarian turned drama student, is looking for a job, but his presence at the hospital creates more than a little paranoia amongst the porters.
2) 04/09/1988
the porters are left without a union organiser just as Harry dismisses Sid for dereliction of duty.
3) 11/09/1988
trouble breaks out when Harry attempts to assemble a Taiwanese machine from instructions written in "Chinglish".
4) 18/09/1988
when Harry becomes infatuated with a nurse, Gertrude seeks to put an end to such nonsense.
5) 25/09/1988
Peter takes over the midnight shift and a complication over a set of dentures involves a visit to the mortuary.
6) 02/10/1988
the hospital is in an uproar when their famous heart transplant patient goes missing. (final)
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