Kevin Black hosted the early afternoon programmes on South Pacific Television which in a typical 1977 week included the shows Search for Tomorrow, Dianah!, Medical Centre, The Girl With Something Extra, My Three Sons, Roll Out, Thirty Mnutes Worth, Hudson and Halls, Here we Go Again, and His and Hers.

Kevin Black: early host

From New Zealand Listener 12 March 1977 

With Hudson and Halls gone from apres midi to apres diner. the after-lunch slot has been taken over by Kevin Black whose face will be familiar to Northern viewers from NZBC days. Born in Wellington, Kevin had the "Boys' Own Paper" ambition to run away to sea. But he managed it more officially by getting a scholarship to a naval academy in Britain at the age of 15. Soon he discovered that naval discipline was not for him so he switched to the merchant navy and sailed the civilian seven seas for four-and-a halt years.

Next, he tried for something completely different but some-how couldn't quite get away from the sea. In this case the Irish Sea, on the sales and production staff of Carolina Northern, a pirate radio station which, because of its popularity, eventually had to be legislated out of existence. After a stint as a freelance, doing commercials and voice-over work, Kevin went to a speech and drama school In London, later taking pupils himself. "London was the place to be in the mid-sixties." he says. "Everything was happening."

After so many years away, Kevin began to forget he was a New Zealander, so he came back for a holiday. But roots are stronger than the pull of swinging London, so he stayed and Joined 4ZB Dunedin, also doing television news reading and the weather. Later he transferred to Auckland where he did the same on Northern Television.

At the time of the broadcasting split In 1975 he went back to radio on 1ZM and seven months ago joined Radio Hauraki as a morning personality and continuity announcer — so he spends his mornings on radio and his afternoons on television. On ONE TO THREE WITH BLACKIE, as well as introducing the regular early afternoon programmes five days a week, Kevin will get all sorts of people into the studio — show biz people. visiting millionaires etc, "with the accent on the zany-. He hopes to have a lot of fun also with quizzes and competitions. And of course he'll give away lots of prizes. 


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