Children's TV show about a haunted old mansion where only the butler can see the ghosts. Characters included Count Homogenized
Ghosts for the children in new series
Press, 3 April 1979, Page 15
A glowing shape that tells awful puns, a voice in the cupboard, a piano that plays by itself and furniture that frequently moves around the room — these are just some of the strange things that happen on “A Haunting We Will Go,” a new children’s series which begins screening in the late afternoon today on SPTV.
Major Toom, played by Kevin J. Wilson, does not seem to notice the ghosts that inhabit his house, and it is left to Ernest the butler (Endel Lust) to deal with their antics. Ernest’s life is not made any easier by Count Homogenised (Russell Smith) — the milkman who resembles Dracula dressed in white — whose insatiable desire is milk. He drinks it all the time anywhere he can and he’ll even steal the milk out of a milk shake — leaving only the “shake.” The other “guests” who regularly visit the house are painters and paperhangers who have a life time (ghost time) contract. They use ghost paint which means when they vanish, as all good ghosts must, then all the redecorating vanishes too. This, of course means there’s always plenty of Work for them to do. The ghost decorators are played by the Aurelian Singers who handily provide their own music while they work. The programme idea and characters were created by the producer of the series Kim Gabara and the scripts were written by David McPhail.
1) 3/4/1979
If only he could find his lost bow tie, Major Toom would be off to a party. His search provides a conducted tour of the house and lets us in on the secrets of Uncle Percy's strange desires
Major Toom.....Kevin J. Wilson
Ernest... Ednel Lust
Count Homogenised … Russell Smith
Ghost Dancers... Aurellen Singers
Aunt Sophie... Lynda Spiers
2) 10/4/1979
In the midst of some chaotic spring cleaning, Ernest discovers to his horror the darker side of one of the Major's ancestors and his quest for warmth.
How can a burst water pipe help the Major get rid of ghosts? And how can a ghost fix a leak? And on top of all that, has anyone seen Ernest?
Major Toom ... Kevin J. Wilson
Ernest... Endel Lust
Count Homogenised... Russell Smith
Ghost Decorators.... Aurelian Singers
Sir Theodore Spookły... Jeremy Astley
4) 24/4/1979
The garage is no place to fix a car and besides, the motorway is coming. With these thoughts in mind the Major lets you in on the discovery of the exploding tea-kettle
Council Man.. ...Paddy Ryan
5) 1/5/1979
Great Grand Uncle Monty has his birds and Major Toom has his Aunt Florence. Can she help with the economy drive as well as the Count helps with the tea?
Aunt Florence... Daphne Milburn
6) 8/5/1979
It's holiday time. Unfortunately when the Major's away the ghosts will play and that's only the beginning!
Guest Ghost... Jon Gadaby
7) 15/5/1979
Surely a family like the Major's can come with miracle cure that will get him back on his feet. Well at least the Count's around to help.
8) 22/5/1979
There's no heat, the chimney's blocked and besides, what has all this to do with a box of milk chocolate?
9) 29/5/1979
Hup-hup-hup-hup- physical fitness and self defence that's the answer. The ghosts think it's a great joke but the burglar's thinking of retiring!
10) 5/6/1979
Everything must be perfect the Major is hearing wed- ding bells. (Or is it just you- know-who?)
Mrs Fitz-Twittering... Ann Simpson
11) 12/6/1979
Poor old Ernest is not well. What he needs is peace and quiet. What he doesn't need is the Major's old army buddy and the Major's old remedies!
Monty Jodphur... Peter Rowley
12) 19/6/1979
The House of Toom is about to gain fame if everyone can last that long!
Cyril Squeers.... Tony Warren
Muriel Flash...Jenny Blumsky
13): 26/61979
The Major takes up painting but he doesn't want Ernest dabbling too. Ernest says he isn't but who is? Even the ghosts don't seem to know. (Final)
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