Comedy and music with TVNZ characters Kiwi and Cat.

When a con-artist city cat finds himself dumped in the bush he meets up with a laid-back Kiwi from a one-horse town called Waiwhataweka who harbours a desire to be a country and western singer.

Guests in the series included Suzanne Prentice, lead singer from The Warratahs Barry Saunders, Kim Willoughby from When the Cat’s Away and “Saturday Live,” Brendan Dugan, impersonator Pat Kearns, Tracey Gardyne, and yodeller Roger Tibbs.

Scripts for the series were written by Margaret Mahy, David McPhail, Jim Hopkins and Dave Wilson of “The Press.”

The puppeteers include Russell Smith of “Shark in the Park,” Alistair Kincadid, Tim Bartlett, Lynda Milligan and Debbie Ryder.

PRODUCER: Kim Gabara

Writing for Country Kiwi and the Cool City Cat was a change for Mahy, who co-wrote the series with a team of writers who include Jim Hopkins, Dave Wilson and David McPhail.

I liked the idea of writing as a team. The four of us would get together with the detailed storyline and work out what we planned to do, then we would go away and write each script by ourselves. It’s good being part of a team as someone else takes some of the responsibility and it’s also fun meeting lots of interesting people.

Press, 8 December 1989

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