Weekly spot for a random assortment of international and locally produced shows
Local content included coverage of the Birdman competition, New Zealand Grand Ol' Opry, Vince Hall in concert., the 21st birthday for Rock'n'Roll hosted by Ray Columbus, and...
Decade of Silver (1976)
APRA Silver Scroll-winning New Zealand songs of the previous last 10 years. With Annie Whittle, Brent Brodie, The Yandall Sisters, Layton and Trent, Malcolm McNeill and Kerry Church
Host: Chick Littlewood
Producer: David McPhail
The Lauren Bacall Special (1979)
Peter Sinclair Talks to Lauren Bacall About Her Life, Loves, Films and Personal Preferences.
Columbus Discovers Brass Bands (1979)
Filmed at Western Springs, Auckland, and in the Botanical Gardens, Christchurch, this musical special presented by Ray Columbus featured three of the country's top brass bands: Skellerup Woolsten, the New Zealand Army Band and Continental Brass (formerly Turrell's) performing their special style of music.
Chic Littlewood assisted in the commentary.
Producer Bernie Allen
Director John Wansbrough
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