A documentary-drama on the Māori choreographer Matenga Kingi. Features the Van Zon School of Creative Dance.
The story of a young Māori lad named Matenga who was born and raised in the country. Riding horses along the beach, pig hunting, shearing, dances and wool shed parties were all part of his country lifestyle in a small rural community. It was at one of these woolshed dances that Matenga’s natural talent was noticed and he was encouraged to move to Auckland to pursue a career in dancing. Matenga worked as a rubbish collector while learning the art of dance, then eventually choreographed the dance sequence called “Maui and the Sun.”
Matenga Kingi (duffy)
Christene Galvin
Faenza Rueben
Peter Thompson
Mervn Robson
Robert Foster
Polly King
Te Aroha Henare
Kay Rueben
Don Solomon
Ted Toroa
August Kingi
Anna Tapene
Peter Tarpene
Tamarangi Rogers
Director - Arthur Thompson
Producers - Rudall Hayward and Ramai Hayward
Production Assistant - Marianne Willison
Script - Isobel Andrews
Narrator - Selwyn Muru
Sound- Anthony Jay Tompkins and Robert Smith
Editor - Jacqueline Scott
Camera - Ramai Hayward
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