A six-part family drama series set in Zimbabwe. It's about a boy named Luke (played by Jason Blicker) who is in Zimbabwe with his father, Joe (Allan Jordan), a mining engineer. Other cast include Pedzisai Sithole, and Eldinah Tshatedi
Under the Sun (15 July 1990)
There's an accident at the mine and Joe becomes trapped.
Brothers (22/7/1990)
Luke and Themba race to get medicine for Themba's sister Mirala, who is seriously ill with the measles.
The Pride of a Bride (29/7/1990)
Luke and Themba's sister, Tulani, are drawn to each other, which encourages Tulani to run away to escape an arranged marriage.
Director - George Bloomfield
Chasing a Dream (5/8/1990)
In the city, Tulani is befriended by Anges, a young woman who shows Tulani how she earns money
A Deadly Business (12/8/1990)
After being chased by poachers, Luke and Themba go on safari with Luke's father, Joe, and some friends.
One World to Share (19/8/1990)
It is time for Luke to go home and he finds it hard to say goodbye to his new African Friends.
African Journey was a New Zealand-Canadian co-production (South Pacific Pictures/Atlantis in association with TVNZ).
Thanks to Patrick for the screening info,
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