Anthology series of one off comedies that ran for several years, with some episodes leading to their own continuing shows.
six part series of one off New Zealand comedies.
(1) My Better Half
Steve Fteakly and his former wife Gloria have separated in the cycs of the law. but each refuses to move out of their former matrimonial home. When Steve and Gloria each decide to entertain a new-found friend of the oppo-site sex in their divided home. its con-fusion all round • Gloria - Paula Keenan
Steve - Peter Rowley
Ginnie - Gillian Stenhouse
Wal -Stephen Taylor
Writer Alan Trussell-Cullen
Producer Tom Parkinson
Director Derek Wooster
(2) - Gliding On, 09/03/1981
mystery envelopes and their contents provide some interesting moments for the otherwise grey lives of the occupants of the stores section of a public service department. Jim wins an outcall massage, but doesn't bargain on Noeline, the masseuse who eventually arrives.
Jim - Michael Haigh
Hugh - Ray Henwoood
John - Ross Jolly
Beryl - Susan Wilson
Boss - Ken Blackburn
Wally - Grant Tilly
Producer: Tony Holden
Director: Tony Holden
Writer: Roger Hall
(3) Twining and Bodkin
Henry Twining and Roger Bodkin are in partnership as solicitors, although probably neither of them really knows why and they have scarcely two clients to rub together.Henry Twinning - Waric Slyfield
Roger Bodkin - Grant Bridger
Ngaire - Mancy Ross
Hutchinson - Stuart Thomson
Perringdale - Jim Facer
Mrs Stavely-Compton - Sara Jones
Producer: John Wansbrough
Director: John Wansbrough
Tpa: Maree Newburgh
Writer: Alan Grant
Writer: Chris Mcveigh
(4) - Yes, Virginia, There Is Life After 40
when Maggie, a divorcee in her 40s claims the same sexual freedom that her daughter's generation take for granted, she is surprised to find that her daughter is shocked.
Maggie - Sheila Sommers
Pete - Alistair Douglas
Kelly - Faye Flegg
Zacharias - Richard Zimmerman
Producer: Tom Parkinson
Director: Tom Parkinson
Tpa: Nesta Goldstone
Writer: Valda Marshall
(5) No Chance FridayMerv, the owner of a motormower repair shop is a skilled mechanic who hates work and hates motormowers. Faced with unreasonable (to him) demands for rent in arrears, he decides to hold a raffle. His plans are undermined by Ruth, the landlord's resourceful 13 year old daughter.
Merv - Michael Haigh
Gordon - Brian Sergent
Ruth - Stephanie Millar
Producer: Tony Holden
Director: Tony Holden
Camera: George Smith
Tpa: Annette Hodgson
Writer: Jeff Browett
(6) Industrial Relations (6/4/1981)
Ces, a Union militant at Millbrook freezing works, suffers a crippling blow when his son Roger turns traitor to his class and becomes personnel manager at the works.
Ces - David Telford
Muriel - Judy Hughes
Roger - Rex Merrie
Bernie - Mervyn Glue
Writer - Jon Gadsby
Producer/Director John Wansbrorough
(1) Rabbiters Rest 24/05/1982
comedy set in a country hotel where the proprietor is preparing for a visit from the Licensing Trust. With plenty of shortcomings to hide, Murray, normally a gruff, been-in-the-business for years type, turns on the charm for a couple of travellers whom he mistakenly believes are inspectors.
Murray - David Telford
Stan - Alan Jervis
Producer: Tony Holden
Tpa: Barbara Morris
Camera: Geoff Clements
Writer: Jon Gadsby
(2) A Question of Integrity
Arthur Glossop, Television producer, director and actor, amidst matrimonial tangles and temperamental actors, tries to rehurse "a subtle play about complex racial tensions"
Author Glossop - Nick Blake
Anna - Jaqui Dun
Max - Terence Cooper
Waren - Bill Evens
Dennis - Marcus Craig
Ross - Simon Preet (sp?)
Edith - Glenda Hallas
Written by Craig Harrison
Producer - Tom Parkinson
Director - Derek Wooster
(3) Barry
The story of a country boy in a big city, who make a career in the music business.
Barry - Briant Sargent
Warwick - Rex Merrie
Murdoch - Chris Barnes
Andy - Lyn Robeon
L.B.K. John Smith
Claudia - Roy Pearse
Kiri and the Carnivores - Ellie Smith, Dave Noda, Gordon Jell, Lee White,Trevor Judge.
Writer: Grant Morris
Producer - Jeff Bennet
three part series of one off New Zealand comedies.
(3) Odd Hand Out
Cyril is suddenly made redundant after 20 years with a government department. He can't summon up the courage to tell his wife. However, Rich and Dunlop, both of whom are well used to permanent unemployment offer to help out.
Producer: Tony Holden
Director: Tony Holden
Tpa: Anne Keating
Writer: Stephen Walker
(2) The Reynolds,
Budget night and like most New Zealanders, Murray Reynolds is trying to predict what's going to go up in price. Murray however has a sure fire tip off. Jill brings her new boyfriend home for dinner and Brent cooks up a scheme to get his old man to give him an advance.
Producer: Tony Holden
Director: Tony Holden
Tpa: Anne Keating
Writer: Alan Trussell-Cullen
Writer: Joe Musaphia
(3) The Allnighter,
long suffering Brian runs a sleazy hamburger bar. It's 1am and business is picking up and he's down to his last hamburger bun, but his brother Marshall, the wheeler dealer has arranged a bulk load of buns at half price. What could possibly go wrong?
Producer: Tony Holden
Director: Tony Holden
Tpa: Patricia Atkinson
Writer: Grant Morris
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