comic coverChildren's adventure show based on the Terry and the Gunrunners book.


Bruce  Allpress
Adrian  Bell
Michael  Bentine
Roy  Billing
Alistair  Douglas
Sean  Duffy
Jennifer  Duke
Shirley  Duke
David  Fringle
Philip  Gordon
Billy T James
David  Letch
Stephen  Tozer


Chris Baily
Production Company: Finlayson-Hill Prods.
Producer: Logan Brewer

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An item from Post Office magazine records the filming that took place at Musick Point, Auckland


This “explosion” at Musick Point drove back a police attempt to enter the beach house of property tycoon, and gun smuggler, Ray Vegas, during filming of a children’s television series, Terry and the Gunrunners. By arrangement with the Post Office, the setting was provided by Auckland Radio and its surrounding park. Fred Gates, manager of Auckland Radio had a few worried moments. “They first did a trial explosion in the middle of the paddock,” he said of the enormous explosion and fireball. “That didn’t do anything to ease my mind.” He began wondering how he would explain the disappearance of his building to the Director General. However there were no real problems during the ten days the station was on camera and Fred says he’s pleased to report there was absolutely no damage at all. “The film crew won full marks for the way they co-operated with the station people and generally took care of the grounds during their stay.” And why did Musick Point suddenly become a gangster’s beach house? “They were looking for a building which would look like a mansion, in a relatively isolated area, with trees and grounds.” Auckland Radio fitted the bill perfectly it seems.

Officers of the law are repelled as they try to enter the gunrunners’ headquarters.the law get ready to storm the gunnrunners mansionA couple of baddies get ready to do some evil


High drama - Thrills, Spills and things that go BANG:

As reported on the Suburban Amateur Radio Club website. (Gone, but not forgotten)

The Plot:  Terry, the young skateboarding hero of the children's TV serial "Terry and the Gun Runners" overhears a dastardly plot involving one group of bad guys planning to overthrow the gunrunners whose headquarters were in a large house with a fantastic sea view.

The Film Makers: sought approval from Fred Gates, who was manager at the station at the time, to use Musick Point and the Building as the location for the filming of the series.  Approval was granted on condition that they left the grounds as they found them and did not interrupt the normal services of the station. 

They pitched a big marquee in the then unsealed carpark at the top of the drive. This was used primarily as a canteen.  During the day the catering staff wandered around with plates of goodies for the crew to snack on, Fred says they put on some great feeds - he had a standing invitation to lunch each day.

The Stars:   
The cast included Michael Bentine (ex Goon), Billy T James, Bruce Allpress, Roy Billing, Shirley Duke, Sean Duffy, Adrien Bell, Stephen Tozer, David Letch, Philip Gordon, Alistair Douglas and Jennifer Duke.

The whole crew worked long hours, starting about 7am and finishing in the late afternoon 5 or 6pm. The main stars had their own caravans, also parked in the carpark.

The roof of the left wing of the building (from the front) was set up complete with sand bags, machine guns & other battlement items such as barbed wire etc  (it all looked very real!) and the building disguised slightly with red and white striped awnings and artificial grass on the front steps.

One of the final scenes in the film, called for the building to be blown up. This was very spectacular and the explosion / fireball was set off from the contents of a rubbish bin in the front courtyard, by remote control from the top of the drive. 

The lid of the drum they set it off in, was found some days later on the shore below the cliffs towards Eastern Beach. Pity about the rubbish bin - it was found to be useless for its intended job after the exercise.

Thanks to Ann Walker of SARC for providing a scan of the article.

NZ On Air television funding in 2014 included the return of popular character, Terry Teo, in a six-part drama for TV2. 

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